News / The HomeGame Time at the Children’s Home March 14, 2023Playtime time is part of a child's healthy development at Children of Faith everyday. Take a look at the fun...Read The Story: Game Time at the Children’s Home
News / Nourishment & Care, The HomeEvery Year we Have Many Applicants to Join our Home September 14, 2022Every year we welcome new children into our COF family, this is a difficult decision but a happy time to make new friends...Read The Story: Every Year we Have Many Applicants to Join our Home
News / Educational Mission, The HomeKrupa Rani works as a nurse August 26, 2022Krupa Rani came to our small Children's home almost 20 years ago, today she works in a major hospital as a nurse...Read The Story: Krupa Rani works as a nurse
News / The HomeWhat is Summer Break all About for our Children? August 1, 2022Our children return to their communities for the school vacation and we have a happy reunion when they return...Read The Story: What is Summer Break all About for our Children?
News / The HomeSummer break for COF children, a busy time at the Home June 16, 2022While our children are away for school summer vacation we're working to improve our property...Read The Story: Summer break for COF children, a busy time at the Home