Bringing Faith & Hope to Some of India’s Most Vulnerable Children
Children of Faith Missions provides a safe home and education for more than 100 of the poorest children of Visakhapatnam, India. Not just an ordinary Children’s Home for vulnerable children, with our donors’ help, we provide them with opportunities for quality education and success that allows them to thrive.
Building a Strong Future
Every child deserves to have his or her most basic needs met. Since 2003 Children of Faith has grown to meet those needs. With your support, they will flourish and grow into successful young adults: going on to college, starting careers or businesses, or returning to their home village.
Our Home
One of the most fundamental human needs is having a safe place to call home. Our children live alongside a dedicated staff of 20 in a home environment full of love and care.
Nourishment & Love
Healthy development is the primary objective at Children of Faith. Beyond healthy meals, medical care, emotional support, and nurturing round out the Home’s care.
Our School
Local schools did not provide the best preparation, so we decided to create our own. With an emphasis on education, most of our children complete junior college, and many go onto college.
How We are Making a Difference
Hear Sravani’s Story
Sravani shares about her early life before coming to Children of Faith. She tells us what a difference the home and education are making in her life.
Kusuma Brings her Family to Visit COF
We were delighted to have Kusuma, her husband and young son return to our Home recently. It was wonderful to see that she is in a loving marriage, and doing so well. She shared with us that she and her husband recently purchased… Read The StoryKusuma Brings her Family to Visit COF
Meet Abhishek
Abhishek is the youngest child at Children of Faith and he is a darling, everyone loves him. He comes from a very poor family in the tribal villages of Andhra Pradesh. All of the boys and girls at Children of Faith adore him…. Read The StoryMeet Abhishek
COF:Transforming lives for 20 years
Children’s lives are changed when they come to Children of Faith. Here about this in their own words. Read The StoryCOF:Transforming lives for 20 years
We still have more to accomplish. We need your help. Here is how you can get involved
Give a Gift
Every donation is important, and most of our funding comes from individuals like you. Consider giving a recurring gift to provide the most stability and opportunity for growth.
Sponsor a Child
One-time donations are gladly accepted, but consider making a commitment to one special child. You can sponsor your child until he or she grows to become self-confident, capable, and independent.
The Scholarship Fund
Our students' dreams are big, and the need to support them is great. Whether students opt to enter trade school or continue onto college after graduation, help make that dream a reality.
There are lots of ways to show your support. If you are a corporation looking for a charity, planning a mission trip, want to send needed supplies directly, or would like to visit in person.
Keep up to Date with Our Work and Be Part of the Journey
Receive updates to learn more about what is happening at the home. Share in the accomplishments of our children and follow the progress as we grow and improve the Children of Faith home.