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March update in response to COVID-19 closure

Girl at the Children of Faith Home in India

Dear Friends,

We want to update you on our situation here in India and let you know that we and the children are ok. Of course, our situation here is changing as it is everywhere. This past week most of our children returned to their communities to stay with extended family. The government ordered this move in advance of the National “Lockdown” we are now observing. Schools throughout the country are now closed.

Our lockdown has been ordered for 21 days, through April 15th. Twenty of our college age youth remain with us at the home, busy studying in preparation for the upcoming exams. We have on hand food for the duration of the lockdown, which we will supplement with fresh vegetables and milk which we are able to shop for as needed between 6:00 and 9:00 am each day. In addition to our supply of rice and lentils, we have egg laying chickens. Many of you know our families, and we want you to know they are safe and well supplied as well.

We find the community around us is quiet and most seem to be observing the lockdown. Currently there are not many diagnosed cases of the virus in our area. Those we have are in people who have traveled from other places. We hope the current measures will prevent an outbreak locally and nationally. We are keeping in touch with our children who are back in their home communities and making sure the children who remain with us are in close contact with their extended families.

Our children are strong in their faith and are praying for the health of all sponsors and supporters. We are blessed to have the love and prayers of many people and are relying on God during these times for his grace, protection and provision. Your support means more to us than you could ever know. Please keep us in your prayers, including our church home here, “Faith Home Church” and our partners in the U.S: New Life Church, Lord of Life Church, Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church and Walnut Creek Presbyterian.

God bless you,
Rosie and Anand Thandu

Learn more about Children of Faith’s response to the COVID-19 in India and how you can help our home respond to the growing needs of our kids and their families as they return to their villages.

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