A special meal was served and the children enjoyed a day off from school and homework. In addition to playing games and relaxing to enjoy the day, the children received their new school uniforms. This includes new shoes, socks and belts along with…Read The Story: Children of Faith celebrates India’s Independence Day
The Home
Rainy Days at Children of Faith
Games help pass the time on rainy days at the Children of Faith Home in Visakhapatnam, India...Read The Story: Rainy Days at Children of Faith
A Day in the Park
120 children from the Children of Faith Home in Visakhapatnam, India enjoyed a day at the park...Read The Story: A Day in the Park
Our Cooks are Thrilled that we will Build a New Kitchen and Dining Hall
We're going to replace the cooking facilities at the Children of Faith Home in Visakhapatnam India...Read The Story: Our Cooks are Thrilled that we will Build a New Kitchen and Dining Hall
Videographers visit Children of Faith
Two professional videographers recently visited Children of Faith in Visakhapatnam, India to record stories about how the Home is transforming lives of the young people there...Read The Story: Videographers visit Children of Faith