Next month a multi-congregational team from Chicago will travel almost 8,300 miles to visit Rosie & Anand Thandu, and the 120 children at the Children of Faith Home in Visakhapatnam, India! Included in the team are two of our board members, each of…Read The Story: Supporters from Chicago Area To visit COF in January
The Home
Thankful Our New Kitchen Construction is Progressing
Although we do not observe Thanksgiving in India, we pause on this US Holiday to reflect on the generosity that is making our new kitchen/dining hall construction possible. Work continues on this building and the children are enjoying watching the progress. We are…Read The Story: Thankful Our New Kitchen Construction is Progressing
Construction on our New Kitchen is Underway
We are thrilled to be finally breaking ground on our new kitchen and dining hall building. These modern facilities will make a great addition to our campus, and enable us to purchase and store bulk food, cook in sanitary conditions and offer indoor…Read The Story: Construction on our New Kitchen is Underway
Kusuma Brings her Family to Visit COF
We were delighted to have Kusuma, her husband and young son return to our Home recently. It was wonderful to see that she is in a loving marriage, and doing so well. She shared with us that she and her husband recently purchased…Read The Story: Kusuma Brings her Family to Visit COF
Rainy Days Continue at Children of Faith
More bad weather with heavy rain is headed to Visakhapatnam. But our children are staying dry and entertaining themselves. Here are some photos of our boys practicing their academics using flashcards and our clever girls assembling puzzles.