After more than 24 hours of travel a team of 6 volunteers has arrived at Children of Faith where they will work on many projects and spend time getting to know the children. These visitors are from the Chicago and Washington DC areas. Some have visited before and others are seeing the transformative work of Children of Faith for the first time. The team was welcomed “India Style” with marigold garlands. After a chance to rest and unpack they got right to work!

Repairing existing solar panels was a top priority for the team. The electrical experience of team members made this project possible. After a few trips to the electrical supply store in town they were able to get the system working!

Cleaning and adding to the Library at the Children of Faith Home is another priority project for the visitors. The children at the Home learn 3 languages and having resources for their study makes learning more fun! Volunteers checked through the Library’s books to make sure they were in good condition and placed them back on the shelves to assure they could be located and enjoyed. They brought many English language books with them, and, once in India they shopped locally for books in Hindi and Telegu.

It is wonderful when visitors share their special interests and skills with the children in the home. You never know what will spark an interest or inspire a young mind. Kathryn from the visiting Chicago team is teaching knitting to interested students. While they may not need mittens in India’s warm climate, the children are thrilled to be learning something new and have this creative outlet.

The visitors aren’t the only ones teaching new skills, our children are showing them the rules and skills of cricket. Cricket is very popular in India and many of our children are quite good at it. The visitors are enjoying this role reversal and for the children its a chance to demonstrate leadership and patience!

Having visitors benefits the children in our Home in many ways. Visitors bring diverse cultural perspectives, helping our children broaden their understanding of the world. Interactions with people from different backgrounds can increase the children’s curiosity, tolerance, and respect for other cultures. In addition, visitors can serve as positive role models, inspiring children to set higher aspirations for their futures. Visitor’s success stories can motivate children to overcome obstacles and work toward their personal and professional goals. These positive interactions with diverse visitors can help children learn how to interact with people from different walks of life, improving their social skills and emotional intelligence. Knowing someone has traveled so far just to be with them can build a greater sense of self worth for our children. And the opportunity to speak English with native speakers is an opportunity that many children in India never have.

Support our Work from the Comfort of your Home
You don’t have to travel all the way to India to join us in transforming the lives of underprivileged children in India. Help us provide a home and education for 1 of our 120 children. Your will help give a child a stable home, medical care and an education that prepares them for college or a professional career. This home and education breaks the cycle of poverty, and fills your child with confidence.