On of the most common questions we are asked is about how and why the children come to the Children of Faith Home. The answers are as individual as our children. Most come from families unable to provide the care and support the children need to stay healthy, grow, and learn. This may be because of health, legal or financial problems. Some children have living relatives, parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts who bring the child to our home for care. Whenever possible we keep these family ties for our children. It is during summer break that the children will spend time with the family they have. The children always look forward to returning to their villages. They will visit with family and old friends, watch TV if their family has it and eat favorite foods. Some have bicycles they will ride around their village. They enjoy relaxing and not having a set schedule, much like the children in the US on summer break. We believe that continuing these connections with family and neighbors will impact their communities. They will see what is possible by knowing how the children are growing and what they are accomplishing. This will give the children a place to return to as adults and become contributing members of their community.

Our children enjoy this time to reconnect with family and friends in their community but then look forward to returning to our home after the summer break to see friends and begin the new school year. When the children return there is a lot of sharing and laughter. They tell stories and renew friendships. It is a busy and joyful time. Once they are back for a few days they settle back into our routine and begin the new school year. We are always delighted to here about their adventures and welcome them home. They are excited to see the changes and improvements we’ve made to the home while they were away!
This is also the time when we bring new children into our home. Some students may not have returned as their situation at home has improved and they may remain there. Welcoming new children is an exciting and challenging time. More on that in a different post. Below is a short video of children returning this summer.