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Volunteers Visit from Chicago

Visitors at Children of Faith in India

This past January we welcomed visitors from Chicago. Six supporters joined us for eight days, bringing a variety of skills and interests as well as a love for the children.

At Children of Faith we’re fortunate to have a library for our school. The team cleaned, repaired and reorganized our books in the library, in addition they contributed lots of new materials for the teachers, including tactile learning materials, fidgets and books in English, Telugu, and Hindi.

The team purchased new furniture for the library, including chairs and step stools, and they decorated the Library with new posters, colorful rugs, curtains, and flags from around the world. The children were delighted to see the welcoming new look.

It was amazing to be able to spend more time with the older girls! Their English is getting better and better, and it was awesome to work side by side with them in the library (and to have goofy breaks with staring contests and fun snacks)!

A volunteer shops for books to add to the library at the Children of Faith Home in Inida
— Emma, recent visitor and COF Board member

The team wanted to make some improvements to our campus, so, with their electrical expertise they made needed repairs in girls’ dormitory, our classrooms and to our solar array. The team worked tirelessly for several days to ensure that the solar system was functioning properly and safely. Some team members hope to return next year to follow-up on these repairs and improvements.

During their time at Children of Faith the visitors joined a local pastor’s conference, taught knitting, learned cricket from some of the boys and enjoyed Indian food. Sharing playtime, devotions, songs and games made the visit special for all. During the visit a team member celebrated his Birthday, sharing cake, fireworks, and a catered meal with the children.

The children are always thrilled to have visitors. They get extra attention, playtime and love! The opportunity to practice their English and learn new skills is a valuable contribution to rounding out our care and education.

— Rosie Thandu, co-founder Children of Faith

Take a look a few more moments from this visit

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You don’t have to travel all the way to India to join us in transforming the lives of underprivileged children in India. Help us provide a home and education for 1 of our 120 children. Your help will give a child a stable home, medical care and an education that prepares them for college or a professional career. This home and education breaks the cycle of poverty, and fills your child with confidence.

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