There are several opportunities to Worship with Rosie while she is visiting the US.
- Sunday October 30 9AM & 11 AM Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church,1801 Lacassie Ave in Walnut Creek, CA. In person or on Livestream https://live.wcpc.church/
- Sunday November 6 9:30AM & 11AM Lakeway Church2203 Lakeway Blvd, Lakeway, TX 78734 In person or online https://lakewaychurch.org/onlineworship/
- Sunday November 13 10AM Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church49 Knox Drive, Lafayette, CA In person or online https://livestream.com/lopc. Join Rosie following the church Service at 11:11 for a “Chai & Chat” in the LOPC Chapel for a chance hear about current activities at the children’s home
- Sunday November 20 Lord of Life Church 8:30 & 10AM 40W605 IL-38, Elburn, IL 60119 Childcare is available
- Sunday November 27 9AM & 10:45AM New Life Church, 2501 Danville Blvd. Alamo, CA 94507
- Sunday December 4 11:00 AM Crossroads Church5353 Concord Blvd. Concord, CA 94521 In person or online www.wearecrossroads.church Lunch will be served following the service where you can speak with Rosie and ask her questions.

There are some additional opportunities to visit with Rosie and learn more about
On Sunday November 20 there will be an Open House with Rosie Thandu at Graham’s 318 Coffee House in Geneva, Illinois from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Stop by anytime to chat with Rosie and learn more about the work Children of Faith has been doing! Graham’s also has fantastic coffee, beer, and snacks, so come hungry and thirsty. RSVP is not required, but is requested by call Tony at 1-630-363-2714.
On Thursday December 1 there will be an India Buffet Dinner with Rosie Thandu at Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, 1801 Lacassie Ave in Walnut Creek, CA Kindly RSVP on evite http://evite.me/T1jjT4vhVF. Fees for dinner collected at the door.
Rosie is looking forward to sharing with you the events of the last few years at the Home. The children are growing and thriving. The children worked hard to catch up from time lost at school during the pandemic. The graduates are getting good jobs. Some girls have married and are starting families of their own. Don’t miss your chance to see Rosie and learn more.