Our 20th Anniversary year will be over soon, but you can still help us honor this milestone by contributing.

Help Us Build a New Kitchen and Dining Hall

Our proposed new building will be a two story, 3600 square foot building with a dining area and complete kitchen with additional space for food storage. We purchased land for this adjacent to our campus.  A new kitchen will offer more hygienic facilities, help us offer higher quality food and great variety.  We plan to offer hand-washing stations, and separate dining area for boys and girls.  Additional storage space will enable us to acquire food in bulk at lower cost, and store it in a clean, secure area.  This dining hall will serve as a place for meals as well as for gatherings of students for activities, especially in bad weather. Our goal is $120k to build and equip our new building.

Fundraising Goal: $120,000

Girls lined up for a meal at our current kitchen

Help us build modern kitchen/dining facilities

The telegu language equivalent of “Bon Appetit” is “Truptiga Thinandi” which means, “Fill your stomach.”