Our 20th Anniversary Gala is over, but you can still be part of the celebration by contributing.

It is time to replace our well loved Tata Majic

Our Tata Majic is eight years old. It has served us well. We use this 10-seater mini-truck every day. On school days its works overtime taking older children to Junior college and bringing them home, Driving our teachers back and forth to our school. It is used to take children to medical appointments or hospital visits and for errands such as groceries and vegetables. Lately, its been unreliable and we don’t want to get stuck, making the children late for classes. You can help us raise the money to replace it right away.

Fundraising Goal: $10,000

We have had many maintenance problems lately with the vehicle and had some breakdowns

Rosie Thandu Founder of Children of Faith
— Rosie Thandu