Our 20th Anniversary Gala is over, but you can still be part of the celebration by contributing.

Our Own Anjali is Now the Mother of a Beautiful Baby Girl

Anajali holing her new born daughter

Anjali joined us at Children of Faith as a little girl. She blossomed into a beautiful young woman with us. She always was a cheerful and bubbly girl whose smile is contagious. In February of 2020 Anjali married Tarkesh, and they just welcomed a beautiful baby girl. Anjali is so happy, and very busy now. She is a natural mother, she got lots of practice in our Home where she loved taking care of younger girls.

Anjali says,” I am very happy to be a mother, our family is very happy. The baby sure keeps me busy and up all night. She has become our world.”

This lovely baby girl does not have a name yet. It is the tradition in India to have a naming ceremony some weeks after the baby is born. Families and friends will gather to celebrate the naming and welcome the baby. This will often include a baptism of the child.

We are so proud of Anjali and the amazing young woman and mother she has become. One of our main focuses at Children of Faith is to educate girls and help them grow into confident individuals which helps them toward successful careers and to be leaders in their communities and families. Many of our older girls have started working and pursuing their dream careers. Our graduated girls have their own boutiques, are working in various companies, or pursuing higher education and few girls are happily married to well educated men. Help us support the education of young women like Anjali. Your support can help us shape them as individuals and leads them to successful careers.

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