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Keeping Cool During India’s Heat Wave

Boys cool off in the hose at Children of faith in India

India is having a heat wave. At the Children of Faith Home the return of the youngest children is delayed from their summer break back in their home communities, till the weather is cooler. The Junior college students have come back to the Children’s Home as the local Colleges started on schedule. Take a look at how they are staying cool despite record breaking temperatures.

Just like in the US, popsicles are a great way to cool off!

Due to demand during the heat wave electricity is reduced making it difficult to run air conditioners and fans. The kids at Children of Faith are resourceful and find ways to beat the heat.

Coconut water is a healthy refreshing summer drink at the Children of Faith Home in India
Coconut water is a healthy, refreshing summer drink at the Children of Faith.
Boys cool off in the water from the hose at the Children of Faith Home in India
The boys enjoy cooling off in cool water from the hose.

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