Our 20th Anniversary Gala is over, but you can still be part of the celebration by contributing.

David is back – now to help!

David received a joyful welcome back to Children of Faith

David grew up at Children of Faith.

David has returned our home, and we’re thrilled to share in his success. Many visitors remember him as a terrific dancer. He was always a joy with his energy and enthusiasm, though at times, a bit of a handful. David came from the slums of Vizag. His family was unable to care for him and desperately wanted a safe place and good education for him. Looking back, they say the best thing they did for him was to bring him to Children of Faith. He spent 12 years of his his childhood with us, we watched him grow from a young boy into a young man. After completing high school David left to pursue a career in information technology in Hyderabad and Vizag. Now, he has returned to our Home as a staff to help and support us.

David then and now

Joy and Happiness

We were thrilled when he called us to say he would like to work here. We knew he would be just right, having lived here most of his life.  David says, “It still seems unreal that I am now a staff here. I find a lot of joy and true happiness being around children. I sure gave my caretakers a tough time when I was here, and I hope no child does that to me. This place has sure changed with the addition of new space, playground and is very nice. I have missed COF and I am glad to be back. I want to give my best to help out and I am forever grateful.”  The children loved David immediately, especially Naga Chaitanya who giggled as he told us “David brother makes doing homework more fun.”

A young boy on the shoulders of a man outside in India
David with
Naga Chaitanya

Your support makes our work possible

Thanks to your support and generous contributions, many children like David have beautiful memories of Children of Faith. Our dedicated teachers and loving home environment shape the children to be fine individuals with a heart to serve. This is not a small task with over 100 children. Please help support our work by sponsoring a child. Your support will help us feed, clothe and educate a young boy or girl and help them achieve their potential.

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