As Children of Faith reflects on the past 20 years we find there are many stories of transformation where individual students had their lives turned around by a safe place to live, good food, and a fantastic education. To exercise their creative abilities, the children at Children of Faith were asked to write about their own lives before they came to the Home and to write about how their lives have changed now.
Below are a few of their stories, in their own words
I don’t have mother and father. I was living with my grandmother. My grandmother is fruit seller. I was also selling fruits. When I come to school here I felt very happy. Now I had Rosie mummy and Daddy. I had good teachers. Now I am learning responsibilities and how to behave with others.
— Manikanta, age 11![]()
Before coming to school our family suffered with homely needs. My father doing Gods work as pastor. In my village all are poor thats why my father did not get any offerings. We had so many foodless days. Now I come here. I had sufficient food, school, books, school dress, and good teachers and learning responsibilities. I want become pastor.
— David Benhard, age 13![]()
Many of the children in our Home come from difficult circumstances. Their families might be unstable, and unable to provide for them. When they join us at Children of Faith it can take time for them to trust others and begin to relax and play like children. Our home provides the nurturing and love they need to develop and grow. Our Christian faith guides us in this work.
I don’t have mother and my stepmother was beaten me and my brother every day. She did not give sufficient food. Now I come here I got godly mother. Now I am enjoying so many brothers and sisters. Now I had sufficient food, school, and good teachers.
— Divya, age 9![]()
Before I came to school I don’t have mother and father. I lived with my grandparents. I worked in noodle shop and tea shop as a server. Now I coming to school. Here I praise God. This is another world for me. Now I had Mummy and Daddy and so many brothers and sisters. Now I have good school and teachers.
— S. Mahesh, age 9![]()
In addition to nutrition and medical care we provide education, this will give our children the chance to change the cycle of poverty they have known. The school on our property, “Hope Academy” provides a well rounded education. We hire and train the teachers to provide an excellent education, not just learning facts, but teaching the children to think for themselves, encouraging them to be inquisitive. The opportunity children have at Children of Faith transforms their lives.
In my home I wake up at 5 o’clock. I clean my house and I go to school. There teachers use to beat me. I am cry every day. I came to this hostel. These teachers they don’t like to beat children and Mummy and Daddy encourage me.
— Bhavyasri, age 9![]()
My life before coming to this school. My mother and father went to agriculture early in the morning. Me and my both sisters we don’t know how to do houseworks but we have to do that. After completion of work we have to eat only buttermilk rice. Sometimes we ate night rice for morning. We always went to school late. There is no good education. When I came here my life was changed. I learn so many things. Here the education was very good, the food was nice. Here I have so many brothers and sisters.
— Anusha, age 16![]()
Before I came to this hostel there are no good studies for me because there is no schools in my village. Some schools are there but that is in telugu medium only and I don’t know what is English. After I came to this hostel I learn English and I improved in so many subjects. I am very happy about this hostel.
— Shanti Kumari, college student![]()
At Children of Faith the days are busy. After breakfast school starts with the students gathering for songs and news of the plans for the day. After morning classes, the children stretch their legs, play a little and have lunch, followed by afternoon classes. After school there is time for playing on the Home’s playground, a game of cricket, or some crafts and few chores. Before dinner they gather for more singing and stories. After dinner there is time for home work then to bed and a goodnight’s sleep to be ready for the next day.
Before coming to school here I was faced with so many problems like I don’t have books and proper food. Every day my father beating my mother. They were waiting for divorce. After coming school, I know God Jesus Christ. I pray for my mother and father. Now they live together. Now I have good school, good teachers, and proper food. I want to become Naval Force officer.
— Mohansai, age 12![]()
Before I came to this school my mother and father go to fields and cultivate crops. My brother, me and my sister cook food and took food to my mother and father. And we climb small trees. My parents scolded me and my brother, we don’t know to read or write English. By god grace we came this hostel. We learn little little English and Hindi. In COF hostel God gave good food and safety.
— Prem Kumar, college student![]()
Before coming to school here every day my father drink and beaten my mother. Every day they had dispute. My mother was doing work to get some money for food. I don’t have proper food and study. After coming here I know God. I had proper school and teachers. I had sufficient food. I want to become doctor.
— Mary, age 11![]()

Children of Faith has been transforming lives for 20 years!
We think that is something to celebrate. We’ll be gathering on May 10th in Walnut Creek, California to share stories the accomplishments of the past 20 years and our dreams for the future.