Our 20th Anniversary Gala is over, but you can still be part of the celebration by contributing.

Anand Thandu Reconnected with Many Supporters During his Recent Visit to the US

Anand visited with many supporters on his recent visit to the US
Anand with the staff at New Life Church in Dublin, California

Anand Thandu traveled to Washington, Texas, California and Illinois to share the accomplishments of Children of Faith on his recent visit to the US. His supporters were delighted to reconnect with him and hear news from the Children’s Home is Visakhapatnam, India. The children are back in school, new children are settling in, older children are studying hard in Junior College and College and graduates are making their way in the world, working and starting their own business. Many friends hosted Anand for meals or outings. He would like to thank everyone and looks forward to welcoming many supporters to the home in India.

Take a look at a few of the people Anand had a chance to visit with…

Meeting with Child Sponsors and knowing how much they have been praying for us, especially during the pandemic has been one of my greatest joys this trip

— Anand Thandu

A few more highlights from the trip…

Show your support for Children of Faith during Anand’s visit

Anand visited the US to meet with supporters and work with the Children of Faith board to make plans for the future of the Home. While he was here he is also shopped for school supplies and special treats to take back to India. Donate today to help fund the life changing work Anand and Rosie Thandu are doing at Children of Faith. Your contribution will help transform lives.

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